Rest with Me
Selah. It’s a word I’ve only ever heard in the Bible, but whether or not you’re religious, I think we need this word today. It means to pause, to rest, to break away for a moment from what you’re doing. I don’t know about you, but COVID-19 has not made struggling with anxiety any easier. The weight of what’s going on in the world right now is large, and if feels heavier than previous years. I believe it’s important to honor the sadness, the grief, the anxiety, the events that have been occurring in 2020, and at the same time, we are human, and humans can’t work well without resting well. I need rest today, and that’s why I wanted to write this, and then I found myself wanting to share this tool of resting with you guys as well.
I want to invite you to rest with me for a few minutes as you read this post and walk through this activity. Set a timer for 2 minutes if you need to. Just be here, and practice being present.
In a moment, I want to invite you to look back at the picture of the rocks with water in the background on the front page of this post. All you’re going to do after you’ve looked at the image is imagine that image in your mind. Take a deep breath in and out. And then notice what you see in the image that’s now in your mind. Do you notice the rocks? Imagine your feet standing on the rocks. Does it feel bumpy, or are they smooth rocks? What colors do you notice? If you need to, look back at the image for more details. Take note of the sounds you hear as well. Is there water rushing in the background? Are people talking around you, or is it silent? Notice what you smell as well. Do you smell the salt in the water, or maybe the leftover dew from the morning? As you walk through each of your five senses, take notice of the details “around you” in this image. Feel free to “visit” this image for as long as you’d like. When you’re ready, take a deep breath in and out, and open your eyes.
How was that for you? I hope you can practice using this exercise today and in the coming weeks to selah, or rest, as you walk through this time. As always, please reach out with any questions you might have or if you feel like you might like to seek additional support through counseling.